What are keyword Roots?
Roots are the repeated words and phrases found in the Master Keyword List.
The Roots tab is the fastest way to analyze traffic distribution across groups of keywords, the number of times they are found is the root Frequency, and the Broad Search Volume of the root represents the total search volume of all keywords containing those repeated words and phrases.
In the Roots tab, you'll find a detailed breakdown of the most important keyword roots with the highest search volume, aggregated for the niche.
Refer to the example provided below.
- “Cat tree” is a root that includes 129 other keywords, having a total search volume of 2.2 million.
- If we add another root which is "cat tower", by including these four keywords – cat tree and cat tower – in our listing, we can improve our ranking and get indexed for a total of 152 keywords.
Best practices and tips for using the Roots to enhance your keyword strategy:
Step 1: Go to the Master Keyword List and sort the SV of the keywords so that high-volume keywords appear at the top of the list.
Step 2: Input a keyword when you think there's a gap for that specific term. As an example, let's use the keyword "large."
Step 3: Blank or no number indicates that your listing is not indexed within the top 101 positions for that keyword.
Step 4: Return to the Roots tab and identify the closest, most relevant root that includes that keyword. As an example, let's use the keyword "large."
Step 5: If we had a gap in MKL, we could rewrite our listing and add those keywords. An example here is adding the "cat tree large" and "cat tree large cat".
Note: If those keywords were missing from the listing, exploring roots helps identify and strengthen the primary clusters in both the listing and PPC campaigns.
Essential framework of Roots tab:
Roots can be used to select keywords in the Listing Builder. For instance, "Dog leash large dogs" become "Dog leash large dog".
- Then roots tab breaks down the normalized keywords into individual words, counts their frequency, and adds up the SV of all the KW's they are part of.
- Singular KW roots are displayed with no color background. Lighter green displays 2-3 word roots, and the darker green represents 4+ word roots
- To switch between Roots and Normalized Roots, you can click on the "Show" button located at the top left corner.
How to execute on Roots data
Step 1: Select the "Roots" tab from the navigation menu.
- The Roots data will appear and will include information on the normalized roots, frequency, broad search volume, unique normalized keywords, and consolidated search volume for that root word or phrase.
Step 2: Click the checkbox next to the root and you will see all the keywords which contain this word. You can view the keywords and eliminate the irrelevant keywords from this list.
Step 3: To exclude keywords, simply right-click and a menu will appear. From there, you can select either "Exclude EXACT" or "Exclude PHRASE."
Step 4: By clicking the "Excl." button, you can access the list of excluded keywords, phrases, and ASINs. From there, you can select one or more ASINs or keywords to include them back into the current niche.
Anatomy of Roots tab:
- Niche Name: refers to the name or title of a specific product niche or category.
- Exclusions: Sellers can see the excluded keywords, phrases, and ASINs that are non-relevant.
- Niche Settings: refers to a set of criteria that can be applied to filter and narrow down the search results for products in a particular niche. These settings include Minimum Search Volume, Maximum relevancy, maximum rank, and a Minimum number of words.
- Assignee: This shows the user within your organization who has been assigned to this research.
- Researched: Shows the date of when the most recent research was completed for this niche.
- Org: the admin email of the account.
- Add space or label: adds preferred space and label in a niche.
- Normalized Roots: Process of transforming a word into its base form to account for variations in user search queries.
- Roots: Number of related search terms that share the same root word as the main keyword.
- Frequency: Number of times each unique word stem appears in a set of keywords.
- Broad Search Volume: Estimated number of times a keyword is searched for on Amazon within a one-month period.
- Keywords: Total number of search terms that include a specific root word or phrase.
- Search Volume: Estimated number of times a keyword is searched for on Amazon within a one-month period.
- Normalized Keywords: Categorizes similar keywords with different spellings, plurals, or word order into a single representative term.
- Normalized Search Volume: Adjusted search volume for misspellings and variations.
- Relevancy: How closely a product or keyword matches a search query.
- Competitor Products: range of products offered by a competitor.
- Notification: Here the user can view notifications and reminders to complete standardized research. Clicking on the icon will reveal all of the research tasks that have been scheduled.
- Announcement: Here the user can view announcements from Data Dive including Office Hours topics and new feature release updates.
- Comments: Here the user can view comments and collaborate with members of their organization. Comments can be left as text or a screenshot.
- # of EXACTS in Competitors Titles: The number of times the exact search term appears in competitor product titles.
- Ranking Juice: A measure of the potential for a specific keyword to rank highly in search results.
- Unique Normalized Keywords: unique keywords in a specific niche, after normalization.
- Consolidated Search Volume: Total estimated search volume for a group of related keywords.
- Columns: Customize the view of the data to suit your needs.
- Export: Export the list of keywords from the Roots as Excel or CSV.
- Resource Center: Users can ask questions, give feedback, and access resources such as guided tours and a knowledge base to enhance understanding of the tool.
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