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How to start a Dive? How to start a new keyword research?
Doing a Dive will generate a Master Keyword List. There are three ways that you can begin your research and start diving. The Niche Dive, Divebox, and the ASIN Tray.
How to start a dive using Niche Dive:
What is Niche Dive?
Niche Dive will analyze an ASIN or Amazon product link and identify optimal competitors for the Dive.
Step 1: Click the 'Niche Dive' button. This can be found on multiple pages, including the Niche Pipeline and Master Keyword List.
Step 2: In the Hero ASIN field, paste in the ASIN or Amazon product link of the product you want to build the dive around. Choose the Amazon marketplace of the product and the number of number of products to include in the dive. Then click 'Create Niche'
Manual competitor selection: If you leave this option toggled "Off", then Data Dive will find the optimal products for the dive, create the dive, and take you to the Master Keyword List. If you toggle this option "On", Data Dive will find the optimal products for the dive and take you to a screen to check the automatically selected products and manually add or remove products before starting the dive.
Step 3: Data Dive will analyze Amazon and its niches to identify optimal competitors for the selected ASIN.
Step 4: If you toggled 'Manual competitor selection' to "On", then you will have the option to review products selected. The Fit Score indicates how relevant the product is to the Hero ASIN. You can toggle any of the products "on" to be included in the dive or "off" to remove them from the dive. Once you are ready to create the dive, name the niche, select the Hero Keyword and click the 'Dive' button.
How to start a dive using Divebox:
What is Divebox?
Divebox is a dashboard from Data Dive that provides a high-level overview of an Amazon search results page, including total revenue, competitor products, and more. Some of the things you can do with Divebox are add filters, sort products by criteria like Sales, and see graphs of historical search volume and BSR.
Step 1: On an Amazon search results page, open the Data Dive Chrome extension and click on DiveBox.
Step 2: To include a product in your dive, click the toggle on the left hand side of the screen next to the product. It’s important to be intentional with the ASINs you are selecting and ensure that all products are actually relevant to your niche. Selecting the better performing competitors is best. By default, results in Divebox are ordered by unit sales and excludes sponsored ads.
Step 3: After selecting each of the ASINs you’d like to include in your dive, you can create a new niche dive by naming the dive what you would like and clicking the blue 'Dive' button.
Step 3b: Alternatively, you can the new ASINs you've selected to a previously created niche by clicking the blue 'New' button and choosing it from the dropdown menu. Then click the 'Dive' button.
Step 4: After you click the blue “Dive” button, the research will be completed and you will be routed to the Master Keyword List. All dives will also be saved in your Niche Pipeline.
How to start a dive using the ASIN tray:
What is the ASIN tray?
The most precise way to start a dive is by using the ASIN tray. The ASIN tray allows you to manually add products to your dive from any location on Amazon. These could be ASINS from different categories, different hero keywords, listings that might not show up in search results as well as products that have not been assigned a BSR. Keep in mind that the ASIN tray is marketplace specific. For example, in order to dive on the Germany marketplace, navigate to amazon.de, then you will follow the steps below to add products and dive using the ASIN tray. As noted before, it’s important to be selective when choosing the ASINs for your dive. These products should all be highly relevant to the product you are selling or researching and selecting the better performing products is best.
Step 1: You can add products to your ASIN tray from any location you find them on Amazon. Simply click on the “+ Add to Tray” icon shown below to add this ASIN to your tray. Added ASINs will show 'In Tray'.
Step 1b: If you’d like to remove a product from your ASIN tray, hover your mouse over 'In Tray' and click on the '- Remove'.
Step 1c: You can also add ASINs to your tray directly from Divebox. The black boxes indicate ASINs that are already added to your tray and the green boxes are ASINs that haven't been added yet.
Step 1d:You can also add ASINs from product display pages.
Step 1e: ASINs can also be added to the tray directly by opening the Data Dive Chrome extension, copying and pasting the ASIN into the ASIN Tray field and clicking the '+ Add' button.
Step 2: After adding all of the products to your ASIN tray, click on the Data Dive Chrome Extension icon, then click on “ASIN Tray” button, then click the 'Select...' field. Just like when using Divebox, you’ll have to decide whether you want to create a new niche or if you’d like to add these ASINs to a previously created niche. To create a new niche dive, select the 'New' button, name your dive and click the 'Dive button.
Step 3: To clear your ASIN tray, click the selection checkbox to select all ASINs and then click the “Remove selected ASINs” button.
Step 4: The ASIN Tray and Divebox can also be easily accessed from the Data Dive Chrome extension tab that can be found on the right side of Amazon search result pages.
Anatomy of Divebox:
- DataDive Tokens used today: This feature is currently not in use. Eventually, Data Dive will have a daily token limit based on subscription tier. Again, for right now there are no limits when using Data Dive.
- Minimize/Maximize window icon: Allows users to minimize or maximize the window.
- Close icon: Allows users to close the window.
- P1 Asins: Displays results by Page 1 ASINs ordered by sales.
- Top-10: Displays results by the top 10 ASINs ordered by sales.
- Top-20: Displays results by the the top 20 ASINs ordered by sales.
- Search Volume: Search Volume is the estimated total number of times the exact keyword has been searched for on Amazon in the previous month.
- Total Revenue: The total estimated revenue of the products displayed over the past 30 days at the time of the search.
- Total Sales: Total estimated units sold of the products displayed over the past 30 days at the time of the search.
- Median/Max Reviews: This refers to the total number of reviews of the products Displayed.
- Median Fulfillment Fee: Refers to the median cost of having Amazon fulfill an order.
- Median BSR (Best Selling Rank): A score assigned by Amazon to products based on their historical sales data. It shows how well a product is selling relative to other products in the same category.
- Competitors: Displays the competitors for this niche.
- All: Show all the ASINs from the Amazon search result page
- New: Show all new ASINs that were never part of the selected niche
- Niche: Your selected products for your niche.
- Excluded: Show all ASINs that were excluded from the selected niche
- Product Details: This refers to information that describes a product, such as its name, features, specifications, and more.
- Filters: Allows users to filter how the data is displayed in Divebox.
- Toggle button (New): Toggle button would allow you to switch between different ASINs and choose the one that is relevant for the current dive. This can help streamline the process of selecting the right ASIN for your needs, and make it easier to find the information you're looking for.
- ASIN: Amazon Specific Identification Number. This is a unique identifier assigned to each product listed on Amazon, used to distinguish it from other products in the catalog.
- ASIN Tray: Click this button to add ASINs to your tray from Divebox.
- Brand: Shows the brand of a product that is being sold.
- Price: Shows the cost of a product in the currency of the current Amazon marketplace.
- Revenue: Refers to the total amount of money generated by a specific ASIN in a 30-day period.
- Sales: Total number of units of a specific product that have been sold in a 30 day period.
- BSR: Indicator of how well a product is selling on Amazon. The BSR is calculated based on the sales data of a product over a certain period of time, and it's used to rank products within a category.
- Listing age: Indicates the date on which a product was first listed on Amazon.
- Country: Refers to the country where the seller company is registered.
- Fees: These refers to the charges or costs that are incurred by sellers for selling their products on Amazon. These fees typically include a range of costs associated with selling on Amazon, such as referral fees, fulfillment fees, and storage fees.
- AS (Active Sellers): Refers to the number of sellers who are currently offering a specific product for sale on Amazon.
- Rating: Star rating of a product, as assigned by customers who have purchased and used the product.
- Reviews: The total number of customer reviews for a specific product.
- RV (Review Velocity): Refers to the rate at which customer reviews for a specific product are being added to Amazon. Review Velocity is calculated by taking the number of reviews received by a product in the last 30 days and dividing it by the total number of reviews for that product.
- Img (Image Count): Refers to the number of images in a product’s gallery.
- Fulf. (Fulfillment): Refers to the method by which a product is delivered to a customer.
- Size Tier: The size classification of a product on Amazon, can affect its shipping costs and handling fees.
- Weight,lb: Product weight in pounds.
- Dimensions, in: Product dimensions in inches.
- Buybox: Indicates which seller has the buy box for this product.
- Category: Indicates which product category this ASIN is being sold under.
- SP (Sponsored Products): Click this toggle to display sponsored products in DiveBox.
- Load P2 ASINs: Click this button to add additional ASINs from page 2 to the current list.
- Niche: Click this drop-down menu to select a dive that has been previously created.
- Name: Niche name from the Asin tray dives. (Customizable)
- New Asins Selected: Indicates the number of new ASINs that will be added to your dive.
- Niche Asins Selected: Indicates the number of ASINs that have already been added to the niche you are selecting. For a brand new niche, this number will be zero as no ASINs have been added to this new niche.
- Dive Button: Click this button to start your dive.
- Columns: Enables users to customize the view of the data.
- Export: Click this button to export the data from Divebox.
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