What is the MKL?
The Master Keyword List (MKL) shows all of the keywords that are driving sales for your niche while also showing each competitor’s organic ranking for those keywords.
See Also: Outlier Keyword List.
How to clean up the MKL?
Before we begin analyzing the MKL we first need to clean the list of keywords by removing all branded search terms as well as any keywords that are not relevant to our niche.
Step 1: Sort the search volume of the keywords so that high-volume keywords appear at the top of the list.
Step 2: A fast way to eliminate branded search terms is by clicking the "B" button. This will auto-select keywords with brand names. You can double check that the highlighted keywords are in fact branded search terms, and then click 'Exclude selected keywords from the MKL'.
Step 3: Review the remaining keywords and manually exclude any additional branded search terms as needed.
Remove Non-relevant Search Terms
After removing all branded search terms you’ll next remove keywords that are too broad or not relevant to the niche.
Step 1: Remove any keywords that are not relevant to your niche by clicking the checkbox beside each keyword.
How to manage excluded keywords:
Step 1: Click the exclusions tab at the top of the screen.
Step 2: To add previously excluded keywords back to the MKL, click the checkbox and then click “Include back to niche”.
How to analyze the Competitor Search Volume Strength:
Data Dive uses a standard color coding system. The color red is used to represent high competition and higher organic rank and is generally found with stronger, more sophisticated sellers. Green represents low competition and a better potential for success or opportunity for improvement.
Color coding breakdown the competitor Strength:
- Red - Sellers who are ranked on Page 1 for 80%+ of the search volume in the MKL
- Orange - Sellers who are ranked on Page 1 for 60%+ of the search volume in the MKL
- Yellow - Sellers who are ranked on Page 1 for 40%+ of the search volume in the MKL
- Green - Sellers who are ranked on Page 1 for 20%+ of the search volume in the MKL
How to add or remove ASINs from your dive:
How to remove competitors:
Step 1: Select an ASIN you want to remove by clicking the check box, then clicking the "Exclude selected ASIN from this niche" button.
Step 3: You can manage excluded ASINs in the Exclusions tab. Add ASINs back to the MKL by clicking the checkbox and clicking the
How to add a competitor to a previously created dive:
Step 1: Click '+ Add ASINs'.
Step 2: Paste the ASIN you want to add and click the 'Add' button. To add 2+ ASINs, use commas between ASINs or new lines.
Step 3: Click the 'Add to Niche Button'. The whole dive will be updated and will include the new ASIN(s).
How to Search for a Keyword in the MLK:
Step 1: Click on the Search bar.
Step 2: Data Dive will filter the keywords to only show those with the word or phrase searched. A number icon will show how many keywords in the MKL, Outliers, and Residue sections contain what was searched.
How to Sort and Pin Products in the MKL:
How to Sort Products:
Step 1: Products are sorted by 'Sales' by default. The highest selling product is first to the left and then down from there to the right. To change the order of the products click 'Sorted by Sales.
Step 2: Choose another option to sort by. Some options include % of keywords ranked on Page 1, Price, Revenue and Listing Age.
How to pin a product
Step 1: Hover your mouse over the product you want to pin and click the pin icon. This will pin the product to the front of the list. You can pin multiple products.
Step 2: To unpin a product, click the black pin icon again.
Outliers Keywords and Residue Keywords:
Data Dive does the heavy lifting for you and sorts the keywords into three different categories so you can get to important actionable insights faster.
MKL: Keywords with a relevancy of 30% or higher. This a focused list of the niche's most important keywords.
Outliers: Keywords with a minimum search volume of 2,000 and a maximum relevancy of 30%. These are high search volume keywords that fewer competitors are ranking on page 1 for.
Residue: These are all the keywords the products in the dive are ranking for that don't fit into the criteria for the Master Keyword List or Outliers.
How to Add Outliers and Residue Keywords to the MKL:
Step 1:Navigate to the Outliers or Residue tabs, check the box next to the keywords you want to add to the MKL and click 'Include selected keyword in the MKL'.
Step 2: The keywords added can now be found in the MKL.
How to Change the Niche Settings for the MKL and Outliers:
Criteria, like the search volume and relevancy %, can be changed. This will affect which keywords show up in the MKL, Outliers, and Residue.
Step 1: Click on the 'Niche Settings'.
Step 2: Make any changes you want and click 'Update Savings'. Settings can be reverted back to default by clicking 'Reset all settings'.
Niche Compare:
Using the Compare option in the MKL allows you to compare dives to see what changed between a past dive and a newer dive.
Step 1: Toggle the Compare setting to 'On'.
Step 2: If you've never updated the dive before, click 'Update now' to refresh your dive.
Or, if you have done a dive before, you can select which dives you want to compare or click 'dive again now' to re-dive.
Updated Dives: New, Removed, Dropped
When you dive a niche again to refresh it, you'll see the New, Removed, and Dropped tabs and the new Type column has been added to display all labels.
New: This label is used for new keywords Data Dive found that were not in your previous dive.
Removed: This label indicates keywords that were part of the MKL in your previous research, that have now shifted to either Outliers or Residue list because of a change in Search Volume or Relevancy.
In Outliers: This label is used when a keyword is no longer in the MKL and has been moved to "Outliers."
In Residue: This label is used when a keyword is no longer in the MKL and has been moved to "Residue."
Dropped: Keywords that were removed from the niche because they dropped too low in Search Volume or the competitor is no longer ranking for it.
It's possible to move "In Outliers" and "In Residue" keywords back to the MKL.
However, it's not possible to move "Dropped" keywords back to the MKL.
Roots are repeated words and phrases found in the Master Keyword List. Roots can be a single word or multiple words. They are the building blocks of keywords. The Roots tab helps you to analyze the keywords and find which words and phrase are repeated the most and contain the most search volume.
Normalized Roots are the roots with the plurals and conjunctions removed and the search volume combined.
Example: 'Garlic Press for Kitchens' becomes 'Garlic Press Kitchen'.
Pro Tip: The best roots to focus on are ones that are 2+ words and are a way someone could search for your product on Amazon.
Baby - No
Blanket - No
Baby Blanket - Yes
Single-word roots can be helpful to find frequently used descriptive words that can add context to a product listing.
By toggling a root(s), it will filter the list of MKL keywords to only show the keywords that contain that root.
The Normalizer is a text processing tool that removes the plurals and conjunctions from keywords. This is mainly used for PPC campaigns as it prevents overlapping keywords from competing with each other for the same search terms.
Example: 'garlic press for kitchens' becomes 'garlic press kitchen'.
You can copy and paste in your own keywords and use the unique normalized keywords to create your own PPC campaigns within Amazon.
Step 1: Paste in any keywords you want to normalize. You can also include the keywords' search volume if you have it.
Step 2: You can now copy and use the normalized keywords to create PPC campaigns. Unique Normalized Keywords are the Normalized KWs with any duplicates removed.
Master Keyword List Definitions:
- Niche Name: refers to the name or title of a specific product niche or category.
- Exclusions: Sellers can see the excluded keywords, phrases, and ASINs that are non-relevant.
- Niche Settings: refers to a set of criteria that can be applied to filter and narrow down the search results for products in a particular niche. These settings include Minimum Search Volume, Maximum relevancy, Maximum rank, and Minimum number of words.
- Assignee: This shows the user within your organization who has been assigned to this research.
- Researched: Shows the date of when the most recent research was completed for this niche.
- Notification: Here the user can view notifications and reminders to complete standardized research. Clicking on the icon will reveal all of the research tasks that have been scheduled.
- Announcement: Here the user can view announcements from Data Dive including Office Hours topics and new feature release updates.
- Comments: Here the user can view comments and collaborate with members of their organization. Comments can be left as text or a screenshot.
- Opportunity Evaluation: data gathering and analysis process, providing sellers with actionable insights in a matter of minutes.
- # of Keywords: refers to the number of keywords or phrases you use to search for a product on Amazon.
- Launch Keywords: Total set of keywords used to optimize and promote a product on an e-commerce platform.
- Relevant Keywords: Keywords closely related to a product or topic that improve search ranking and visibility.
- Competition SV strength: Shows the average search volume strength for this niche.
- Competition KW Strength: Shows the average level of competition via keyword strength for this niche.
- Competitors Search Volume Strength: Metric used to evaluate the competitiveness of a market and determine the best approach for promoting a product. Categorized into four categories: very strong seller (red), strong seller (orange), weak seller (yellow), and very weak seller (green).
- Search Volume of MKL: Cumulative search volume of the keywords for a dive, indicating overall search volume for a particular product or niche on Amazon.
- Total SV: total search volume for a particular product or topic, used to determine the potential market demand for a product or topic.
- Outlier SV: An unusual increase or decrease in the number of people searching for a particular product or topic, analyzed to identify trends or events affecting the demand for the product.
- Visible SV: refers to the number of search queries that can be publicly seen or recorded. This information can provide insights into what people are searching for and help inform business decisions and strategies.
- Search volume: estimated count of search queries for a specific market or niche, indicating overall demand and interest. Used for business decisions.
- Keyword: words or phrases entered in a search engine. Data Dive generates a list of relevant keywords for the optimization of product listings and visibility.
- Search Volume: total number of times an exact keyword is searched on Amazon in the previous month, indicating popularity and demand. Used to optimize listings and advertising campaigns.
- Relevancy %: the estimated likelihood of a keyword being related to the searched product or content. Used for search engine optimization and improving visibility and relevance.
- Exact Suggested Bid: The range of suggested bids for exact match type keywords.
- Competitors: List of competitor's products in the same category.
- Niche Median: median or average revenue earned by the top 10 products in a specific product niche, estimating earning potential.
- Brand: specific brand of a product sold on Amazon, important for identification and categorization.
- ASIN: unique identifier assigned to each product listed on Amazon.
- % of KWs on P1: proportion of relevant keywords appearing on the first page of search results on a platform. A higher percentage increases visibility and the likelihood of selection.
- Seller's Country: This refers to the origin of a product, specifically the country where it was manufactured or produced
- Outlier Keywords: Total number of outlier keywords in an ASIN.
- Outlier Search Volume: Unexpected increase or decrease in the number of people searching for a particular product or topic.
- Rating: average rating of all competitors in a niche.
- Review count: average number of competitor reviews.
- Listing age: Date a product was first listed on Amazon, indicating its availability and track record. An important factor to consider when evaluating a product.
- Price: refers to the average price of competitors in a niche, in the respective currency of that niche's marketplace.
- Sales: a range of lower and higher median competitor sales for a niche.
- Revenue: Estimated Revenue over the past 30 days at the time of the search.
- Fulfillment: refers to the method by which a product is delivered to a customer.
- # of KWs on P1: Refers to the proportion of relevant keywords for a product or topic that appear on the first page of search results on a platform such as Amazon
- % of SV on P1: refers to the number of search queries that fall within the first page of search results in a specific market or niche.
- # of SV on P1: estimated count of search queries that show up within the first page of search results for a specific market or niche.
- Export Competitors: Export competitors into Excel or CSV.
- Export Keywords: Export keywords into Excel or CSV.
- Resource Center: Users can ask questions, give feedback, and access resources such as guided tours and a knowledge base to enhance their understanding of the tool.
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